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4 New Years Resolutions For a Pest-Free 2017

As 2017 draws near, many of us are compiling lists of goals we hope to achieve in the upcoming year. The key to keeping your resolutions, however, is setting realistic ones. Whether you’ve got your heart set on losing weight, reading more, or spending less, there are a few extra resolutions that Buzz Kill Pest Control encourages you to consider in order to help maintain a pest-free home all year long. The best part? They’re all so easy to accomplish!

Here are 4 New Years resolutions to for a pest-free 2017.


1. Keep the Pantry Clean and Tidy

There’s nothing pests love more than a dark pantry dusted with crumbs. Keeping it neat and organized is the best preventative measure to keep out ants, roaches, and other undesirable insects. Go through every item in the pantry – big and small. Make sure that containers, especially those holding starchy and sweet foods like flour, cereal, and rice, are sealed properly. Not only will this prevent insects from making your snacks their own, but it will also extend the shelf life of your foods by keeping them nice and fresh. Finally, wipe down the shelves frequently to clean off any loose crumbs.


2. Store Firewood Properly 

A common mistake many families make is keeping firewood outside of their homes. This wood, especially when damp after rain or snow, attracts insects like carpenter ants, spiders, and termites as it provides a comfortable setting for them to keep warm in the cooler weather. This encourages pests to loiter around the outside of your home and actually allows them into your home when bringing in the wood to start a fire.

If you need firewood to light up your fireplace, try to keep the woodpile as far away from your home as possible, or in a safe place in your garage. Better yet, use the woodpile as décor in front of your fireplace to give it a rustic and cozy look all winter!


3. Seal Up Cracks and Crevices

Pest control companies encourage homeowners to winterize their homes a month or two before the arrival of cold weather. However, if you haven’t done so yet, make it a New Years resolution to complete in January. As the weather grows colder, pests like rodents and insects can use even the tiniest cracks and crevices to squeeze themselves into the warmth of your home. Sealing up these areas around the foundation, doors, and windows will keep them out where they belong.

4. Schedule Pest Control Maintenance Regularly

In addition to the preventative measures above, signing up for a service plan with a local pest control company can help fill any gaps or areas that you may have missed. Buzz Kill Pest Control offers customized pest control service plans to fit every budget and need to ensure clean and safe environments for customers and their families.

Call 214-295-8789 for more information about keeping your home pest-free for 2017! After all, no pests means better health, less stress, and more savings. Who doesn’t want that?!

Posted on by Buzz Kill Pest Control
4 New Years Resolutions For a Pest-Free 2017

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