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5 Pests And Bug Myths

5 Pests and Bug Myths

When it comes to pests and bugs, there are many myths out there. For instance, if you have a mouse, you’ve been told to put down a piece of cheese. And if you need pest control for mosquitoes, ants, and even bed bugs, you can find many “theories” on Pinterest. However, as professional pest control specialists, we think it is time to put some myths to rest. these top five pest and bug control pests to an end.

Here are the top five pest and bug control myths you shouldn’t  believe.

Pests and Bug Myths

Myth 1: “My House Is Super Clean so I Don’t Have to Worry About Pests”

Do you have an immaculately clean home? That’s awesome, however, that doesn’t mean you are totally in the clear from having pest and bug issues. Unfortunately, crumbs of food are only a small reason for critters to make their way into your home. In fact, during colder months, pests don’t only care about finding a home that has easily accessible food. They also care about finding a place that is easy to get in and is warm. This is why it is important to think about bug and pest control even if your home is spotless.

Myth 2: “I Don’t See Pests, So I Don’t Need Pest Control”

Unfortunately, just because you don’t see them, doesn’t mean it’s not happening. For some pests or bugs like termites and carpenter ants,  you don’t know you have an infestation until it’s too late. Since they do their dirty work in your homes’ interior spaces like the walls and the foundation, these pests need to be handled beforehand with regular pest control services.

Myth 3: “Store Bought Pest Control Is Just as Good”

DIYing your pest control with store-bought chemicals is a great temporary relief, but don’t count on it being a one-and-done situation.

The truth is, in-store pest control does not have the same concentration of substances that professionals like Buzz Kill Pest Control has. This means that doing it yourself will require you to continuously spray to effectively control pest and bugs in your home. This, in turn, can cost you more money and more time.

Myth 4: “Dawn and Dusk are the Only Times You Will Need Bug Spray”

This myth is especially true when it comes to mosquitoes. Most people think that mosquitoes are only active during dusk or dawn, therefore, that is the only time people think mosquito control is needed. However, this is not true. Although mosquitoes are notoriously known to bite during this time, they can strike at any time making continued misting control important.

Myth 5: “My Pet Will Keep the Pests and Bugs Away”

Your cat or dog is a great companion. However, contrary to popular belief, your pets are not the greatest pest control solution. Sure, they can scare off a mouse or even kill a bug, but that’s not enough to keep critters away.

There you have it! Five pest and bug control myths that you should forget about!

Pest and Bug Control in Dallas

If you are having trouble with pests or bugs in your home, it’s time to take your home back with Buzz Kill Pest Control!

With over 20 years’ experience, the professionals at Buzz Kill Pest Control have been helping Dallas-area families fight against residential infestations of termites, spider, mosquitoes, bed bugs, ants, cockroaches, and rodents.

To schedule your appointment or to learn more about our service plans, contact Buzz Kill Pest Control today.

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5 Pests and Bug Myths

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