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Hand Of A Carpenter Pointing At A Wood Plank Destroyed By Termites Isolated On White

How Much Damage Can Termites Actually Cause?

Termite damage is something that no homeowner ever wants to have to deal with. Although the thought of termites devouring the wood in your home’s foundation is enough to send chills up the spine, the actual damage they can cost a homeowner is the true nightmare.

Here’s a look at the damage timeline of a termite infestation and why you should always use termite control services to ward off potential threats.

What Are the Most Damaging Termite Species?

The two most common termites that cause damage to a home are dry wood and subterranean termites. The key difference between the two is that dry wood termites tend to have smaller colonies and are generally more visible on the surface. Their damage is easier to detect and they can be stopped before the need for repair becomes serious.

One can usually be alerted of their presence by the small fecal droppings they kick out of their nests. Unfortunately, subterranean termites keep their droppings inside of their homes and can usually go undetected for much longer.

How Long Does the Damage Process Take?

A termite colony takes years to build up and even longer to show significant signs of physical wear to your home. The average subterranean termite colony can take between 3 and 8 years to completely mature and begin to cause substantial damage to a home.

While this may sound like a long time for a homeowner to detect a termite infestation, most problems aren’t discovered until the physical signs of a termite invasion become apparent.

What Are the Costs of Termite Damage Repair?

If an infestation is allowed to flourish for years, the damage to a home can be something that goes beyond repair and can easily cost an owner a small fortune. In the United States alone, tens of thousands of homes are damaged by termites every year.

Termite professionals know that the average annual cost in the United States for termite control and repairs reaches around 5 billion dollars a year.

Insurance Won’t Cover Your Costs

Many people believe that homeowners insurance will cover the costs of termite damage to the home. Unfortunately, this isn’t a common occurrence. Homeowners insurance covers situations that are out of an owner’s control.

In the case of a termite infestation, most insurance companies will turn around and say that owners could have prevented a costly infestation with regularly scheduled termite control.

Even though most infestations are undetected until significant damage occurs, your problem is still a maintenance issue in the eyes of an insurance company. Fortunately, Buzz Kill Pest Control can help.

Prevent Costly Termite Damage  with the Help of Buzz Kill Pest Control

If you know that you have a termite infestation eating away at your home, it’s time to reach out to Buzz Kill Pest Control. Not only can we get rid of your infestation, but we can also provide termite control services that can keep incoming termites away from your property.

This spring you should enjoy some fun in the sun, not spend your time waiting on expensive termite damage repairs. Contact us today to learn more about our services or to schedule a visit from one of our pest control experts.

Posted on by Buzz Kill Pest Control
How Much Damage Can Termites Actually Cause?

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