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Category: Bug Bites

The Importance of Regular Inspections by Bed Bug Exterminators

Bed Bug Exterminator Dallas TX

You’re snug in bed when you feel it – that itchy bite. It’s a bed bug, isn’t it? Don’t panic. […]

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How to Keep Mosquito Bites Away in a Texas Summer

Mosquito Control North Richland Hills TX

Mosquitoes are an inevitable part of the spring and summer in Texas. While most bites are usually a harmless annoyance, […]

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How Should You Prepare For Bed Bug Treatment?

How Should You Prepare For Bed Bug Treatment?

Bed bugs are vile insects that live to prey on our blood while we are at our most vulnerable. No […]

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Posted In Bug Bites

Preventing Mosquitoes and the Spread of Zika

Best Mosquito Control

Don’t give Zika a Biting Chance If you live Texas, you probably have heard this slogan before. And if not, […]

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Posted In Bug Bites

Floods and Rain Cause Heavy Need for Pest Control in Dallas and Fort Worth

Mosquito Control In Texas: Misting System And Mosquito Spray

Texas is known for its unpredictable weather, and last month proved this at another level. With over 35 trillion gallons […]

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Posted In Bug Bites

Pest of the Month: Roof Rat

Roof Rat Dallas Texas Pest Control

After this cold snap in the Dallas Fort Worth area some people have noticed some unwanted visitors in their house.  All […]

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Pest of the Month: Black Widow Spider Extermination

Black Widow Spider

As the warm summer weather ends, the foliage begins to turn its autumn shades of reds and browns and the […]

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Posted In Bug Bites


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